10 Popular Careers in Health Psychology [2024 Updated] (2024)

What Does Health Psychology Focus On?

Health psychology is the practice of studying the many different psychological and behavioral processes in the areas of illness and healthcare. Its main focus is to understand exactly in what way behavioral, social, cultural, and psychological factors can contribute to our health and to illnesses.

Other terms that can be used interchangeably with the term health psychology include behavioral medicine and medical psychology. The role of a health psychologist is to focus on promoting good health in patients, as well as to prevent and treat illness and diseases. Health psychologists also work to understand how patients cope with and recover from their illnesses.

Some of the most topical issues that health psychologists are currently dealing with include stress reduction; counseling and advice for terminal patients and their loved ones; initiatives to reduce risky sexual behavior; daily nutrition plans; managing weight problems; and hospice care, to name but a few.

Some health psychologists may also work with the government on its health care policies, helping to improve the health care system of the country and provide better systems for working with patients.

What are the Careers in Health Psychology?

Health Psychologist

Patients in rehabilitation with the loss of limbs suffer from emotional trauma that can’t be seen as readily as their physical damage, but they need good emotional health to be able to learn to cope with their physical limitations. Health psychologists on the team can provide a good sounding board for patients having to learn new physical coping strategies while dealing with the emotional components of loss.

Health psychologists work with a multidisciplinary team to treat a person. Patients trying to normalize their weight or control diabetes can need more than doctors, dieticians, and trainers lecturing them on eating healthful foods instead of empty calories. If those empty calories are filling a psychological need, then a health psychologist is needed to discuss emotional issues keeping patients from achieving their physical health goals.

Psychology Teacher / Lecturer

Psychology lecturers instruct students in the field of psychology. They are also expected to oversee and moderate classroom discussions on topics in the area of psychology, grade exam papers, and create plans for each lesson. Psychology lecturers who are involved in teaching courses at graduate level and may supervise the dissertation work of their students. They may also carry out their own research and publish the findings in journals.


A counselor helps their patients to explore the emotions that are affecting their behavior, and guide them with the use of talking therapies. Counseling is a confidential role and a counselor listens to what their client wants to express, showing them empathy and respect during this process. Counselors also help their client work towards agreed goals during these counseling sessions.

Counselors may specialize in a chosen field, such as sexual abuse, guidance, or addiction.

Sports Psychologist

Sports psychologists work with coaches and athletes in order to motivate and improve athletes’ performance. It evaluates the role of psychological factors in performance and how these factors are affected by exercise and sports. To become a sports psychologist could be exciting and interesting at the same time. This career is for students who always feel inclined towards physical activities and sports.

Probation Officer

Probation officers are appointed to supervise offenders during the trial process, prison term and after their release from jail. Probation officers may provide their services through the provision of supervision during the probation period, programs to curb offending behavior, and community service.

One of the main roles of a probation officer is to support offenders on their journey to once more becoming law-abiding members of their own community. Probation officers work to both ensure the safety of members of the public in their local community and to aid the smooth transition of offenders back into society.


Psychotherapist work with their patients to help bring about a change in the person’s behavior, thoughts, feelings, or actions through treatment in individual or group settings. Psychotherapists may use techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, self-help groups, or interactive group therapy to assist their patients when treating different psychological conditions.

Psychotherapists may also help their patients to identify patterns in their behavior that may be causing issues in their lives and give them the tools to break the cycle of poor behavior.

Rehabilitation Psychologist

Rehabilitation psychologists design various programs that have the objective of helping people with disabilities. They talk to their patients in order to uncover the issues and their psychological effects. They address the different factors that affect the participation of people with disabilities. Some of the areas that they assess include personal, physical, cognitive, psychosocial, and behavioral factors that create an impact on their patients.

Aside from communication with their patients, these psychologists also understand the mental condition of their clients and provide recommendations on what they can do in order to increase their self-confidence. They also work with a team of knowledgeable people in order to analyze the environment of the people who are suffering from cultural and social issues.

Social Worker

Social workers use their qualifications in health psychology to understand the problems faced by their patients, to help find solutions to these problems, and to aid society as a whole. Many social workers choose to specialize in a particular area such as addiction counseling, social research, child protection or advocate work. They may work in areas such as hospitals, government agencies or mental health clinics.

General Psychologist

Psychologists are trained to study the behavior and mental workings of their patients. They evaluate, diagnose, and treat the conditions of their clients present with. There are a number of different disciplines in which a psychologist can be involved, including counseling, providing mental health care, conducting research, and working on initiatives with the goal of creating social benefits. The focus of a psychologist is to provide mental well-being for children, adolescents, adults and the whole of society.

Community Psychologist

Community psychology incorporates many different elements of general psychology, including portions of sociology, political science and healthcare sciences. Community psychologists may carry out research on many different subjects, including researching theoretical issues, but also using research to identify community problems and solving them to help communities work better and function in more efficient ways.

Related Reading

  • Careers in Counseling Psychology
  • How to Become a Health Counselor
  • Behavioral Therapist Career and Degrees
  • How to Become a Clinical Social Worker
  • How to Become a Social Work Therapist
10 Popular Careers in Health Psychology [2024 Updated] (2024)


What is the future of health psychology? ›

Health psychologists in the future will give much more attention to analyses of efficacy and effectiveness. They will also need to develop more effective methods to help people change unhealthful lifestyles and demonstrate the the benefits of these methods outweigh the costs.

What is the demand for health psychologists? ›

The job outlook for health psychologists is promising, with a projected growth rate of 6% in 2023, aligning with the overall trend in psychology careers. Health psychologists can anticipate earning an average annual wage of $120,811 in the US in 2024, reflecting the value placed on their expertise.

What fields of psychology are expected to see the most job opportunity growth in the future and why? ›

School psychology, counseling psychology, and health psychology are particularly strong growth areas. Additional training in research methods, technology, and computer science offers significant advantages.

Is the field of health psychology needed? ›

Health psychologists are essential in clinical settings, where they conduct clinical interviews and behavioral assessments.

What is the future job outlook for psychology? ›

Overall employment of psychologists is projected to grow 6 percent from 2022 to 2032, faster than the average for all occupations. About 12,800 openings for psychologists are projected each year, on average, over the decade.

What field of psychology is most in demand? ›

14 Psychology Jobs in High Demand
  1. Vocational/Career Counselor. ...
  2. School Psychologist. ...
  3. Family Marriage Counselor. ...
  4. Engineering Psychologist. ...
  5. Industrial-Organizational (I/O) Psychologist. ...
  6. Clinical Psychologist. ...
  7. Forensic Psychologist. ...
  8. Geropsychologist.
Jan 7, 2022

What is the happiest career in psychology? ›

Of all psychologists, neuropsychologists are among the happiest in their careers.

What is the most lucrative psychology career? ›

Clinical psychology, psychiatry, and industrial-organizational psychology typically offer the highest earning potential in the field of psychology. However, income can vary based on factors like location and experience.

What is the hardest field in psychology? ›

However, fields like neuropsychology, clinical psychology, and forensic psychology are often considered among the most challenging. Neuropsychology, which deals with the brain and its impact on behavior and cognitive functions, requires extensive knowledge of both psychology and neurology.

What are the two most popular fields in psychology? ›

Clinical psychologists and counseling psychologists both report high demand. Other growing psychology degree career paths include marriage and family therapy and mental health counseling. Unlike many psychology jobs, counseling and therapist roles typically require a master's degree rather than a doctorate.

What is the easiest career in psychology? ›

Entry-level psychology jobs
  1. Camp counselor. National average salary: $39,744 per year Primary duties: A camp counselor is responsible for providing supervision and education to campers. ...
  2. Human resources specialist. ...
  3. Career counselor. ...
  4. Parole officer. ...
  5. Research assistant. ...
  6. Preschool teacher. ...
  7. Rehabilitation specialist. ...
  8. Caseworker.
Apr 18, 2024

What is the future of the field of psychology? ›

The future role of psychology in addressing societal issues is poised to be instrumental in fostering positive change and well-being. Psychology's influence is not confined to individual well-being; it extends to broader societal issues, where its insights can be harnessed to address complex challenges.

What is the future of clinical psychology? ›

The Growth of Psychological Treatments and a Focus on Dissemination and Implementation. As new psychological treatments are developed and existing treatments become more efficacious, the focus will shift to currently underdeveloped efforts on dissemination and implementation.

What is the future of psychology in industry? ›

Big data. The future of industrial psychology will continue to focus on behavior in the workplace as it has, but the increase of metrics measured along with the sheer amount of data combined with deep learning systems will shine more light on behavior than we have ever understood before.

What is the scope of psychology in future? ›

What is the future of psychology? Psychologists are scientists whose work contributes to every aspect of our lives. Careers in psychology can be found in countless fields, from health care and public service to education, business, and technology.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.