Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (2024)

Just because you're stuck at home doesn't mean that you have to miss out on some of your favorite St. Louis foods.

Everybody is cooking and baking these days and these classic St. Louis recipes can provide some of your all-time favorite local comfort foods.

From the Courtesy Diner's slinger to Famous Barr's French onion soup to Casa Gallardo's fried ice cream, these classic St. Louis dishes will warm your heart and fill your stomach.


  • Annie Gun's,
  • Blue Owl,
  • Brasserie,
  • Casa Gallardo,
  • Courtesy Diner,
  • dill pickle soup,
  • Famous Barr French Onion Soup,
  • fried ice cream,
  • gerber sandwich,
  • gooey butter cake,
  • Levee High Apple Pie,
  • little gem salad,
  • Pint Size Bakery,
  • prosperity sandwich,
  • Schneitenhorst,
  • slinger,
  • Southern,
  • Southwest Diner,
  • SqWires,
  • St. Louis recipes,
  • St. Paul sandwich,
  • The Fountain on Locust,
  • The Parkmoor,
  • toasted ravioli,
  • Union Loafers

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (1)

Famous Barr's French Onion Soup

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: jennifer durban / Flickr

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (2)

Casa Gallardo's Fried Ice Cream

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Hungry Dudes / Flickr

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (3)

Gooey Butter Cake

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Annie / Flickr

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (5)

Gerber Sandwich

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Mabel Suen

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (6)

St. Louis Prosperity Sandwich

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Katie Moulton

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (7)

Casa Gallardo's Guacamole

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Thomas Ba. / Flickr

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (8)

Union Loafer's Little Gem Salad

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Mabel Suen

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (9)

The Fountain on Locust's Dill Pickle Soup

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Lauren Milford

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (10)

Blue Owl's Levee High Apple Pie

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: RFT file photo

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (11)

Southwest Diner's Buttermilk Cornmeal Pancakes

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Jennifer Silverberg

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (12)

Southern Greens & Pork

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Mabel Suen

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (13)

St. Paul Sandwich

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: lori / Flickr

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (14)

Pint Size Bakery's Cranberry Crunch Cookies

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Jennifer Silverberg

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (15)

Pint Size Bakery's Fudgy Brownies

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Cheryl Baehr

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (16)

Pint Size Bakery's BLT Muffins

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Jennifer Silverberg

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (17)

Brasserie By Niche Pumpkin Soup

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Jennifer Silverberg

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (18)

Courtesy Diner's Slinger

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Paul Sableman / Flickr

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (19)

The Parkmore's Onion Rings

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Sharon Spillar

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (20)

Schneithorst's Potato Pancakes

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Google Maps

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.